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Optimizing Small Kitchen Spaces with Crystal Cabinets

If you have a smaller-than-average floor plan in your home, here are some inventive design ideas to optimize your small kitchen space!

If you have a smaller-than-average floor plan in your home, that doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to a life of cramped kitchens and crammed cabinets. At Western Products, our Crystal Cabinets design team is more than ready to use creative solutions to optimize your small kitchen space. We’ll transform your home into a fresh space that is open and inviting!

Here are some inventive design ideas for optimizing space, courtesy of Crystal Cabinets, to help you get in the right mindset for when you meet with our design team:

Forget Islands—Try a Peninsula

small kitchen space featuring white cabinets and a peninsula countertop

How do you fit extra counter space and seating for two in a small kitchen? For our design team, the answer is simple: add a peninsula. Having counters that wrap around rather than a large island optimizes your small kitchen space by stretching your work area. Also, it gives the opportunity to fit in even more cabinets for storage!

Small Cabinets Make a Big Difference

small, white, recessed wall cabinet filled with food items

Crystal Cabinets offer more customization than typical cabinet companies. They make everything unique to your space, needs, and desired style. One customization hack for small spaces is that they offer cabinets as shallow as three inches deep. In rooms like bathrooms, sometimes it’s hard to fit regular 12 or 24 in. cabinets and not make the space feel stuffy. But, with Crystal Cabinets, small cabinets can provide a surprising amount of storage without hogging room space.

Try a Fresh Coat of Paint

deep blue pantry cabinets displaying upside down wine glasses

In good design, all possible elements—like materials, shape, style, and even color—work together. Color is often overlooked as a means of making a space feel open and fresh, but it makes a big difference. Crystal Cabinets offers their products in an abundance of colors and can even make open-backed cabinets to showcase your home’s wall colors and patterns.

Tall Cabinets Make Extra Space Stack Up

kitchen featuring dark natural wood cabinets that extend to the ceiling

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. Cabinets that stretch all the way to the ceiling can increase your storage space massively. And, having tall cabinets has the benefit of drawing the eye up, creating the illusion of taller ceilings.

Utilize the Entire Space

small kitchen space featuring narrow base cabinet drawer with three storage levels

One of the reasons Western Products is so proud of our design team is that they know how to find surprising solutions in unexpected places to any remodeling challenge you may face. With Crystal Cabinets, you’re not just getting quality and custom products. You’re also getting the quality knowledge and guidance that only comes from the seasoned experts in our design team.

Let Us Help!

Our home improvement experts are committed to helping turn your home renovation dreams into realities! Stop by one of our showroom locations in either Fargo or Bismarck, or give us a call at 800-743-3632 to set up a free in-home consultation or a virtual consultation. We can talk to you no matter where you are through our virtual consultation service.

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