Western Products will be hosting a week of events and promotions from Oct. 26-30 to celebrate the Grand Opening of its brand new Design Center in its Fargo, ND location at 474 45th St. S.
The Grand Re-Opening ribbon cutting is at 4:00 pm on Oct. 28, with extended hours lasting until 6:00 pm the entire week, in addition to the scheduled events.
The seminars will include expert insight into a variety of home improvement areas, including siding, windows, kitchen design and spa care. The seminars taking place over lunch time will provide lunch for all attendees who RSVP.
Please RSVP by commenting on our Facebook status to reserve a lunch and tell us which seminar listed below you are most interested in attending!
Schedule of Events
Monday, October 26 | Extended Store Hours 8-6 pm
Tuesday, October 27 | Extended Store Hours 8-6 pm
12:00 – 1:00 pm: Box Lunch Seminars
Curb Appeal | Show your home you love it!
Window Replacements | What You Need to Know
Tips for Designing Your Kitchen
Wednesday, October 28 | Extended Store Hours 8-6 pm
4:00 – 6:00 pm: New Design & Experience Center Ribbon Cutting
Thursday, October 29 | Extended Store Hours 8-6 pm
12:00 – 1:00 pm: Box Lunch Seminars
Tips to a Hassle-Free Home Improvement on Budget
From Asphalt to Metal | Find the Right Roofing for You
Functional Kitchen Design
4:00 – 6:00 pm: Live Radio Remote – The Eagle 106.9 FM
Friday, October 30 |
12:00 – 1:00 pm: Box Lunch Seminars
Spa Care Seminar | Maintenance Made Easy
Hydrotherapy & Well Being
Our home improvement experts are committed to helping turn your home renovation dreams into realities! Stop by one of our showroom locations in either Fargo or Bismarck, or give us a call at 800-743-3632 to set up a free in-home consultation or a virtual consultation. We can talk to you no matter where you are through our virtual consultation service.
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