Your siding needs to be replaced, but you’re worried about going through the cold winter months without protection from the elements. While you may be hesitant to schedule a siding team during the coldest season of the year, don’t be! When you have the right product and a great installation team, there are numerous benefits to replacing your siding during the winter.
1. You Won’t Need to Worry About Your Landscaping
In the wintertime, the siding installation crew doesn’t need to worry about working around landscaping, when they have to take extra precautions in warmer months to ensure they do not flatten bushes or hedges around the outside of the home during the siding installation process.
2. You’ll Keep the Heat Inside Your Home
This is a great perk to getting your siding replaced during the winter months! Your investment in siding installation can quickly pay off, especially during the wintertime. Once installation is complete, it effectively keeps heat inside, and it’s reasonable to expect your energy bills to be lower than they would be otherwise. You can still get the benefits of added insulation for part of the season when the temperature drops, which will roll over into your spring energy bills, giving you the full benefits of your new siding’s energy-saving properties.
3. You Can Get a Convenient Installation Time
When companies aren’t as busy, it is easier for them to schedule your installation process for a time period that is most convenient for you. Scheduling the job far enough in advance when siding crew schedules are more flexible can help you schedule the best and most convenient install time, and in some cases, get you a discount.
4. You’ll Increase Your Home’s Value and Curb Appeal
Not only will new siding bring about some short-term benefits, there are also long-term benefits. For instance, new quality siding will increase the overall value of your home and its curb appeal. Replacing siding is one of the best ways to improve the appearance of your home’s exterior and make it look great for the holidays!
Something else to keep in mind: certain sidings, like our United States Seamless® steel siding, are resistant to brittleness in cold weather, which makes the process of installing during the winter much easier. In addition, some companies, like Western Products, have heated trailers that allow siding installation teams to work throughout the year.
While seamless steel siding installs beautifully at any time of the year, some products don’t install well in cold weather. A poor install with vinyl siding in cold weather can cause some big problems when the weather turns warm again and the siding expands and contracts.
What are the benefits of replacing siding in winter?
Installing new siding in the wintertime can provide many benefits to you and your home, such as not worrying about your landscaping, getting a better price and more flexible scheduling than you would in the warmer seasons, seeing immediate energy savings and increasing the overall value and curb appeal of your home.
In addition, kids have a lot of activities going on in the winter such as school, athletics or clubs that keep them out of the house. Homeowners might benefit from their younger kids, grandchildren or other neighborhood kids being at school during a majority of the remodeling process, which means the kids won’t be prone to play with or inspect the various tools, machines and scaffolding in use as they might during the summer when they’re out of school.
The sooner you install new siding, the sooner you will see the great results!
Our home improvement experts are committed to helping turn your home renovation dreams into realities! Stop by one of our showroom locations in either Fargo or Bismarck, or give us a call at 800-743-3632 to set up a free in-home consultation or a virtual consultation. We can talk to you no matter where you are through our virtual consultation service.
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